
Posts Tagged ‘remix’

As an undergad, I took a Brit Lit class and one of our best assignments was to take a section of one of the pieces we read and make it into another type of writing. For example, a scene could become a poem, a poem could become a rap song, and, in my case, a chapter of Mrs. Dalloway became a screenplay (which I should find and post because it was AMAZING!)

Now, Galleycat is apparently doing the same thing – except with film. Basically, each participant will get a very short segment of a book to film however they want. See the full description of the “World’s Longest Literary Remix” here.

And they included an example on their site, from a Star Wars version, which I was FORCED (pun intended) to link to this blog – because Star Wars is awesome! Now, if only I could get someone to play Star Wars trivial pursuit with me 😛

Anyway, like book trailers, this is a fun way to get people talking about BOOKS. And it’s creative and can be pretty cheap. I’d probably make one myself if I knew diddly-squat about film.

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